Safety Leadership
Patient Safety Leadership Training & Certification Course (3 days)
Dates TBD
This course is where safety, science, and psychology meet in a comfortable common ground. We cover data, structures, tools, and frameworks for patient safety, quality improvement, evidence-based executive rounding, psychological safety, safety culture, teamwork, dealing with difficult colleagues, second victim of harm, and pacing change in sustainable ways. We also provide tools and strategies for facilitating creativity, mindfulness, and resilience within a given clinical area, and we create protected time for you to practice the tools, strategize, and prepare to leave with a plan. We encourage networking between the Duke participants and external participants, who include front-line health care workers with a safety-related role, physicians, safety officers, managers, directors and senior leaders from hospitals, long term care, home health, primary care and ambulatory settings.
Offered both in the US and internationally since 2009, this course has resulted in a large and growing community of certified Duke Patient Safety Officers (full participation and a passing knowledge assessment score is required).
Executive Leadership in Patient Safety & Quality (1 Day)
Dates: By Request
Our leadership course on patient safety and quality for physicians and the C-suite team is led by internationally recognized leaders in patient safety. The one day event receives outstanding evaluations for applicability, feasibility, use of evidence, pace and quality of discussions. We cover topics such as leading through change, communication, accountability, dealing with difficult colleagues, and the science of resilience.
If interested in having your team participate in our Executive Leadership course, please contact us so that we can develop a program to meet your organizational needs.
Need More Information?
Contact Christen Noratel at